Baltimore Bat Control Specialists in Ontario
Baltimore Bat Removal & Bat Control Experts
Bat problems can seem strange, mysterious and very confusing. There is tons of information on the internet about bat removal. Much of it conflicting. It would confuse anyone. But fear not.
I am a bat control specialist and I promise to clear away all the smoke, mystery and confusion. Soon you will understand residential bat problems and be able to make smart decisions.
Over 20 Years Of Experience Removing Bats
Bat control is all that we do and with over 20 years of specialized experience you can be guaranteed that the job will be done right the first time.
We do bat control work all around the Baltimore area and no job is too big or too small.
For A Free Estimate
Call or email us for a free estimate on removing the bats from your home.
Bat Control Specialists Serves The Baltimore Area
Take back your home
Winning Bat Control Explained:
1. We install clever devices called ‘exclusion vents’ that let bats out, but not back in.
2. We bat-proof the entire exterior of your home.
3. All the bats leave within a few days and cannot get back in.
You live happily ever after.
Baltimore Bat Removal Services
I have been providing Baltimore bat removal services for 3 decades now. In that time I have seen a lot of companies come and go that offer Baltimore bat removal services. Unfortunately most of them were not specialists in bat control but were usually jack of all trades wildlife control companies that offered Baltimore bat removal services as well as all other types of urban pests. Usually they mostly did raccoons, squirrels and skunks and every time it seems they dabbled in bat control they would fail to do the job correctly. Usually it looked like they were trying to fix a Baltimore bat removal problem using raccoon and squirrel proofing methods
My name is Benjamin Vaughan and I am a residential bat control specialist. If you haven’t already, I recommend that all my Baltimore bat removal clients watch my video on residential bat problems first. That video explains how and why bats get into our houses & living spaces.
BTW What I am about to tell you mostly only applies to Ontario bats and Baltimore bat removal problems.
Many of my Baltimore bat removal customers tell me they encountered a bat inside their home and now cannot find it. Many have spent days turning over furniture and cleaning out closets in a desperate attempt to find the bat. And they naturally wonder where the heck did it go. fortunately there is a simple explanation for all of this.
In Ontario more than 95% of all the bats that show up inside houses are big brown bats. And I believe that probably 100% of my Baltimore bat removal jobs involve big browns. The big brown bat is the most abundant species of bat in North America and they live quietly in millions of Ontario houses, in fact most homeowners will not even know they have bats.
Big browns typically enter and exit buildings high up and only need a tiny gap to squeeze into your roof. They are quiet, nocturnal and most of their colonies are small which makes it easy for homeowners to completely miss them. Most of my Baltimore bat removal customers discover the problem when one suddenly shows up inside and if you are reading this you may know that they can disappear just as quickly.
Most of my Baltimore bat removal customers assume incorrectly that it came in a door or window, however bats actually show up inside because they live in the walls of houses and not attics, which are too hot in summer and too cold in winter. After entering the roof they use gaps beside plumbing pipes and chimneys to get into the walls and in some houses can travel all the way down to an unfinished space like a basement or furnace room, once inside they easily move from room to room by crawling under doors.
What my Baltimore bat removal customers also don’t realize is that the bats will often crawl back up into the walls they came out of and if they did all the searching in the world will not turn them up.
If you look at the unfinished ceiling of a typical Baltimore bat removal customer you can see the gaps beside pipes and ducts that bats use to get out of the walls and into the basement. In many of my Baltimore bat removal client’s basements the bats can easily crawl back up into the walls.
Big browns also disappear from my Baltimore bat removal client’s homes because they sometimes dive down heat registers into the ductwork especially if they are frightened or if they have been isolated in a room with no other way out. Sometimes they can get out of the ducts or will come out another heat register but many end up dying in ductwork. The corpses of dead bats are frequently found by professional duct cleaners especially by the furnace filter.
Many of bats that come inside are genuinely lost and those usually turn up again as they must find a way out or will soon be dead from dehydration.
In winter hibernating bats may come inside after waking up to clean themselves, mate or move to a better hibernation spot. If left alone most will go back inside the walls and into hibernation.
Baltimore bat removal guide.
How to get rid of bats that are flying in your living space. Step by step guide for Baltimore bat removal customers.
If you are certain that there has been no contact with the bat, here are the steps to follow to get it out of your home.
Step 1: Isolate the bat. I always recommend that my Baltimore bat removal customers close doors and the other parts of the house. Put a towel under any doors to prevent the bat from crawling under it and place heavy book over any heat register as many of my Baltimore bat removal customers lose track of the bat when they dive down the heat register and end up dead in your ductwork.
Step 2: Open a door or window as close to the bat as possible. The bat is lost and wants to get out of your home where it can find food and water. I always tell my Baltimore bat removal customers the the bat wants to get away from all the scary humans. It will eventually (could take up to an hour sometimes) sense the fresh air movement and fly outside.
Step 3: Turn off anything that makes noise. I also tell my Baltimore bat removal clients that loud noises often confuse bats’ echolocation systems. Turning off anything that makes noise will go a long way in helping the bat to find its way out.
Step 4: Keep an eye on the bat. Many of our Baltimore bat removal customer spend hours searching in the house/room for the bat if it goes into hiding. When it does fly out, it will be sudden – and quiet. It may circle the room from time to time before it discovers the open window.
Step 5: Removing the bat. If the bat does not seem to be exiting the room on its own or you are feeling impatient, you can attempt to capture the bat and release it outside. When we are at work on a Baltimore bat removal job, we always wear gloves and long pants when attempting to capture the bat. Here are a few methods.
Throw a towel over the bat. Once the bat is under the towel, scoop it up, making sure to wrap the bat inside. Be sure not to crush it!
Whenever we remove a bat for our Baltimore bat removal clients, we usually place an empty laundry basket or wastepaper basket over the bat. Then take a newspaper, magazine or other similar object and slide it between the wall/floor and the bat. Make sure not to pinch the bat.
Use a small-meshed net to capture the bat. (A large-meshed net may capture the bat as well but it may injure it as the bat will likely become entangled in the net and require you to use a more hands-on approach.
Attention! to all my Baltimore bat removal clients. Please Do Not: Swing at the bat with a tennis racket or a baseball bat.
Step 6: I warn all my Baltimore bat removal clients that you will hear a clicking noise which means that the bat is scared and may actually attempt to bite. Once you have the bat inside the towel or a container, bring it outside, some distance from the house. Make sure that any doors or windows are now closed. Remove the towel or newspaper and turn the container on its side. The bat should be able to get out and fly away. I remind all my Baltimore bat removal customers that it is not easy for the bat to take off from the ground, so if possible, push the container or towel as close to a tree as possible.
Finally, I ask all my Baltimore bat removal clients, please do not to harm or kill the bat. The bat just got lost. It will not go after you. However as I tell all my Baltimore bat removal customers. We will need to bat-proof your home and exclude any other bats or this will happen again.
For A Free Estimate
Call or email us for a free estimate on removing the bats from your home.
Bat Removal 10/10
Benjamin from Bat Control Specialists is super knowledgeable, professional and thorough. My husband and I are beyond happy with how quickly and efficiently Benjamin worked to remedy our bat infestation. We would recommend Bat Control Specialists to anyone and everyone with a bat problem- This company knows their stuff and delivers beyond your expectations!
Bat Proofing Our House 10/10
We contacted Benjamin from Bat Control Specialists to come and “Bat Proof” our home . The first thing he did was provide us with an explanation of Bats in general and why Bat Proofing your home is the best and safest way to permanently remove bats from our house (attic). We found Benjamin to be very passionate and thorough in the work he did to bat proof our house which comes with a five year guarantee. Bottom-line, we are very satisfied and would highly recommend him to others who have encountered bats in their house.
Bat Removal 10/10
From my first phone conversation with Benjamin I new that he was a specialist in Bat Removal. Benjamin’s work was neat, and clean, he respected my home and his work showed that. As promised within a couple of days my home was bat free, I could sit on my back porch and have coffee once again. I would highly recommend Benjamin he is very personable and very professional. Thank you Benjamin